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Our Ministries

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Religious Education

Our Religious Education, or CCD, is held Sunday mornings before mass for grades K-8th grade. 

Confirmation Prep begins in 9th Grade.


For more information about how you can get your child enrolled into our program, contact our Coordinator of Religious Education or our main office.



These programs fulfill part of the requirements for Marriage preparation that each engaged couple is required to complete before their wedding. Your pastor, pastoral associate, or deacon can best direct you in your planning.
Attending a diocesan approved sacramental marriage preparation retreat is a very important and enjoyable step in your full preparation. It will help you grow as a couple, especially in your understanding of the promises you will make to each on the day that you are wed.


Parish Council

Our Parish council is made up of  six elected parish members whose purpose is to assist the Pastor in matters concerning the spiritual life of the Parish. 

Women on a Mission

Our Mission is to provide an environment of learning, giving and loving to enhance the fellowship and growth of the women’s faith community of St Mary’s.

We meet on the first Monday of the month.  All women of the parish are welcome!


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One of the best ways to share your time and talents with the parish is to join one of our committees! 

     - Family Life

     - Cemetery

     - Sacred Worship

     - Altar Society

St. Mary's Immaculate Conception Parish



7176 Esker Rd,

Custer WI, 54423


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© St. Mary's Immaculate Conception Parish (Custer, Wisconsin)

A Roman Catholic Parish of the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin

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